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Alex Leoni is the founder of the band, the Blue Thieves and they have been active since winter 2011. They had already met and played together in some bands locally. Beyond several projects in Italy, the three musicians have international music experience and collaborations, Alex Leoni, guitars, in Texas, Giovanni Placidi, vocals, bass and various instruments (cigar box guitars and weird two-string basses) in New York and Vladimiro Carboni, drums, in England. Their music experience differred as well: Alex Leoni came from Texas blues, Giovanni Placidi (a.k.a. Black Day) played and sang mostly rock and psychedelia and Vladimiro Carboni had a strong inclination toward funk and fusion. 

Their apparently huge difference nonetheless, from the first live performances they interpreted rock-blues covers and their own original songs with a lot of energy and personality, interacting with no problem at all and developing their own style, mixing self-made rural instruments like cigar box guitars and 2-string bass (made by Black Day), electrified and distorted, with modern and traditional reference to blues and rock music. Their show, always eclectic and full of surprises, along with their peculiar sound, earned them the interest of the musical scene in several regions in Italy and outside, leading them some important shows and festivals .


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